Perpetual Futures

At Terivto, any market is accessible as long as the tokens are listed in the pool. Examples include ETH-BTC, USDC-USDT, UNI-ETH, CRV-UNI, stETH-ETH, etc. (subject to change), providing traders with a plethora of exotic choices for their bets. Our approach ensures that the liquidity pool remains unified and aggregated, avoiding fragmentation of liquidity and eliminating issues related to stablecoin depeg.

Terivto's margin system treats all tokens equally: if you're longing ETH-BTC, you're essentially shorting BTC-ETH. Traders deposit the "long" token, and equity is measured in the "short" token.

For instance:

  • A trader can use ETH to enter a long position in the ETH-BTC market, with equity/PnL accounted in terms of BTC and payouts in ETH.

  • Alternatively, a trader can use BTC to enter a short position in the ETH-BTC market, with equity/PnL accounted in terms of ETH and payouts in BTC.

Terivto ensures a seamless and flexible trading experience across a variety of markets, allowing traders to choose and manage positions conveniently without liquidity fragmentation concerns.

Last updated